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HERMES 2022 is an open standard for managing and handling IT projects.
HERMES is the Swiss project management method for projects in the field of information technology, the development of services and products, and the adaptation of business organisation.
The HERMES certification scheme has two main levels, HERMES Foundation and HERMES Advanced.



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HERMES 2022 Foundation und Advanced Kurs

  • The project management method for IT projects
  • The PM method used by Federal Administration
  • Onsite, virtual and e-learning solutions


What is HERMES

HERMES is the project management method for projects in the field of information technology, the development of services and products and the adaptation of business organization.

This method has been developed since 1975 and has been continuously refined with the active support of users and technical experts.
HERMES methodology has been used in the Federal Administration since 1975 to manage and implement IT projects. It has been further developed over the years and revised several times.
HERMES ensures a common understanding of the project and supports all project participants in the efficient and successful performance of their tasks and responsibilities. With its clear structure, HERMES supports various use cases and can be easily adapted to the needs of the project.

HERMES 2022 training and certification

Check our HERMES training formats and pick one that suits your needs or work best for your colleagues.

HERMES Benefits

  • HERMES is an open project management method for information technology, services, products and business organization
  • HERMES is an important success factor in a number of projects
  • HERMES offers a shared guideline for users, creators and operators
  • HERMES is used as an open standard in the federal administration as well as in cantons, towns and cities, educational institutes and companies

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If you have any questions or would like to receive further information please do not hesitate to contact us using the form.

  • 20+ years of experience
  • 50,000+ professionals trained
  • Only accredited training

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